Promotion Payrise (Express) Watch Preview

Selected modules from from Tim Wade's Promotion Payrise program that will help you overcome being overlooked, undervalued and under-resourced and instead increase visibility, increase your value and get backed by the business resulting in.... your accelerated Promotion Payrise! Join Tim in this Express course now.

6 Lessons

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module 1 - set up your WPR now

Create your WPR

Set up this weekly action to set up your performance review

module 2 - set up Rule 15

Implement Rule 15

Increase communication with your manager

module 3 - delegate up

Delegate Up

How to delegate back to your manager

module 4 - the One-Page Business Case

Influence with the One-Page Business Case - part 1

Understand why the One-Page Business Case is needed.

Influence with the One-Page Business Case - part 2

Learn how to structure your One-Page Business Case.

Influence with the One-Page Business Case - part 3

Case study of the One-Page Business and additional tips